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Healing After the Split: A Workshop for Separated and Divorced Men

Course Type: Online Workshop
Dates: First and third Thursdays – January 16, February 6, February 20, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 24*
Time: 7–8:15 pm (Eastern Time)
Fee: $10 per session (flexible; no fee if unable to attend a session)
Facilitator: Bill Clarke

Workshop Overview

This program is designed to help separated and divorced men navigate the often painful and disorienting experience of loss. If you are feeling hurt, angry, or lonely, this workshop invites you to work with others on a similar path toward healing and renewal. You do not need to have attended Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP) to participate.

We will use spiritual practices and introspective tools to gently crack open the "hard nut of the ego" and let the light of healing in. Each session includes practices such as grounding, prayer, journaling, and shadow work.

What You’ll Learn

The workshop will explore tools and techniques to transform pain into growth. The workshop includes:

  • Grounding: Re-centering and reconnecting with yourself

  • Shadow Work: Meeting and transforming the hidden parts of yourself

  • Prayer & Journaling: Using reflection and spiritual practices to aid healing

  • The Tools: Practical exercises to overcome negative patterns and foster emotional well-being

This course is flexible and operates on a drop-in basis, meaning you can attend as many sessions as possible without pressure to attend every meeting.

Session Schedule

  • Jan 16: Introduction to Grounding, Prayer, Journaling, The Tools, & the Shadow

  • Feb 6: The Reversal of Desire; the Shadow and Your Inner Enemy

  • Feb 20: Active Love and The Shadow in Relationship

  • Mar 6: The Mother Tool and The Insecure Shadow

  • Mar 20: The Grateful Flow and The Lonely Shadow

  • Apr 3: The Tower and The Evil Shadow

  • Apr 24: Ongoing Shadow Work & Ongoing Healing (Note: Adjusted date to avoid Spring Break/Easter week)

February 19

Shadow Workshop: Exploring and Embracing the Shadow Within

February 28

Holden Men’s Retreat Co-hosted by Illuman of WA