Men’s Rites of Passage
“The Men’s Rites of Passage opened my eyes to a benevolent universe.”
— Jim, California
The Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP) experience is Illuman’s signature event, created by Franciscan Richard Rohr and friends, and offered in nine countries for thousands and thousands of men.
This 5-day intensive helps men like you awaken to the adventure and mystery of:
your own masculinity,
your deep spirituality,
your place in the world,
and the way of wisdom.
For most men, the question of what it means to be a man is perplexing.
We may long to journey toward being a healthy, generative man, with a deeper connection with the divine, but we don’t know where to begin. In ancient cultures, initiation rites and vision quests were used to help boys make the journey into adulthood. But most modern communities lack meaningful rituals like this. That’s where we come in.
Your own journey can start by attending one of our MROP retreats.
This deeply prayerful and soulful experience builds on the classic patterns of male initiation through simple and moving rituals and teaching. Each day includes group prayer, teachings on central themes in masculine spirituality, quiet time for reflection, and small group sharing.
Men are asked to come with a willingness to engage wholeheartedly.
There are no expectations. All that is required is that you come with a “beginner’s mind” and the readiness of a young novice seeking wisdom. From beginning to end, we ask you to come as a participant, not merely an observer.
Initiation, like life itself, is not a spectator sport.
This is not about mere religion, it’s about deep spirituality. It’s about age-old traditions that guide us into manhood and coming to trust that there is something much greater at work in our lives than we could ever imagine.
Living a shallow, unexamined life is an empty experience.
The Men’s Rites of Passage opens the door to a deeper, more meaningful experience of ourselves, each other, and the divine. It’s full of mystery and adventure. It’s ushering in a new generation of transformed men.

“This work of discovery, healing, and growth has changed my life. The Rites provided the launchpad and roadmap for this journey.”
Are you ready?
What to Expect
MROP is:
A personal discovery about masculine spirituality and “the Holy Mystery.”
A time to savor the healing and awesome power of nature.
A process to address issues of loss, grief, trauma, and relationships with our fathers, other men, and each other.
An opportunity to examine life’s priorities and ask courageous questions about your next step.
An invitation to listen to the still small voice of God.
A chance to return to life with a renewed commitment to your gifts.
MROP is not:
A traditional lecture-based retreat.
An informational workshop about men’s spirituality.
A sensitivity training or deprivation experience.
A threatening process that requires participants to engage in anything unsafe.
A test of physical stamina.
Learn more with Fr. Richard Rohr
The Cosmic Importance of Male Initiation
This conversation, hosted by Illuman New Mexico at the Center for Action and Contemplation, asks men to lean in with their whole hearts for the sake of the world. With so many examples of how men have hurt women, each other, the earth, and ourselves, Fr. Richard Rohr offers insight into how the MROP can be part of the personal and communal healing that we so badly need.
Why Males Need Initiation
In this talk, Fr. Richard Rohr shows how primal societies have demonstrated that cultural survival is dependent on personal spirituality. Unfortunately, the proven way to lead males on this journey has been lost to the West for centuries. Fr. Richard addresses the reality that if men are not led through an inner journey of powerlessness, they will inevitably misunderstand and abuse power.
Illuman men do our work not for ourselves alone, but that we may better discern what is ours to do and bring our gifts in service to the deep needs of the world.
Take the next steps
1. Prepare and Discern
The MROP is not just another event to attend, nor is it something to “fix” some condition in your life. It is a decision to make prayerfully, listening for an invitation from within. You might also speak with others who have gone through the MROP to further discern your own participation.
2. View Host Website and Apply
MROPs are hosted throughout the US and around the globe. When you’re ready, visit the website for the host Chapter where you would like to participate in an MROP.
Submit your completed application, and make payments to the host Chapter. Once received, the host Chapter will contact you regarding the status of your application. If accepted, a full confirmation package will be sent to you with further instructions.
3. Wait and Pray
The MROP is a life-changing opportunity. As your MROP approaches, spend time in prayer, being present to additional inspiration and insight. Pay attention to where your life’s journey is calling you. Join our Online Community and reflect on the available resources as you need.
Already attended an MROP? Return as part of our Initiator Program.
If you've ever wanted to return to an MROP, consider deepening your journey with our Initiator Program. Offered in conjunction with the MROP, this Illuman program is not a repetition of your initial MROP experience, but a chance for the initiated man to go further in his journey, while walking alongside and holding the initiation experience of other men.
The following resources might provide valuable insight, helping you discern if the Rites are right for you: Male Spirituality and Why Men Need Initiation, From Wild Man to Wise Men: Reflections on Male Spirituality, or Adam’s Return: The Five Promises of Male Initiation.
If you have any questions about the Men's Rites of Passage program, please feel free to contact any of the Chapter Conveners listed here.
Regardless of your beliefs, you are welcome—and you can bring your beliefs with you! Illuman is an interfaith community, honoring the wisdom and spiritual practices common to the major faith traditions, with an emphasis on their mystical and prophetic traditions. We do not proselytize for any particular religion, and find that everyone becomes more grounded in their own tradition after their MROP.
While these particular rites of passage have emerged from the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Men’s Rites of Passage are not uniquely Christian. Instead, we embrace all faith traditions. These rites are not about religion, but about inner spirituality and ancient wisdom traditions that guide us into our true selves and connect us to all human beings and the more-than-human world. -
There is no easy answer to this question. This is certainly not for teenagers. We will consider young men of 18 or older, but these young men need to have had significant experience in their spiritual journey. Any man with significant health problems may find the wilderness experiences too challenging.
Most of the men who have come to the Rites are between 30 and 65. However, we recognize that everyone is different. Some younger men have grown up quickly and have already been initiated into the questions and perplexities of the second half of life, and there are many men well past 65 who will profit from this time. We will be glad to help you discern if this is right for you. Just contact us if you have any concerns.
Absolutely. All male-identified people of all sexual orientations are welcome.
We all bring our differences, our own unique insights, anxieties, and fears into this kind of intimate, shared experience. In the end, participants will likely find that we are more alike in our longings, our hungers, our deepest aspirations, than we are different.
Upcoming Men's Rites of Passage
Pacific Northwest MROP
May 13-17, 2025
Central Oregon
Contact: Sam Pierce -
West Coast MROP/Umbrales
June 11-15, 2025
Angelus Oaks, California
Contact: Joe Filipi -
Great Lakes MROP
June 18-22, 2025
Sandstone, Minnesota
Contact: Michael Finch -
Southwest MROP
September 17-21, 2025
Wewoka, Oklahoma
Contact: Andrew Rice -
Germany MROP
June 25-29, 2025
Bavaria, Germany
Contact: mrop25@maennerpfade.org -
Ireland MROP
July 23-27, 2025
Contact: RITEs2025Applications@malesireland.ie

“The needs of the world are too great, the suffering and pain too extensive, the lures of the world too seductive for us to begin to change the world unless we are changed.”
—William Willimon, Bread and Wine