Illuman is primarily a volunteer-led organization, comprised of three governing bodies and numerous Councils that handle day-to-day operations.
Governing Bodies
Board of Directors
The Board provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance, overseeing the administration and management of Illuman’s ongoing operations.
Blair Anderson (Development & Fundraising)
Dominick Bencivenga (Treasurer)
Jamey Bontrager-Singer (Secretary, Chapter Development)
Arrus Farmer (Radical Belonging)
Mark Funkhouser (Programs)
Dan Harris (Chair)
Steve Hicken (Chair Emeritus)
Juan Hinojosa (Illuman en Español)
Tom Reid (Vice Chair, Governance)
Terry Symens-Bucher (Elders/Trustees Liaison)
Council of Elders
The Council of Elders exercises deep discernment and reflection regarding the life and activities of Illuman, including the practices comprising the Men’s Rites of Passage.
Ned Abenroth
Andy Gray
Belden Lane
Joe Lonergan
Giovanni Perez
T-Michael Rock
Glenn Siegel
Brian Sullivan
Terry Symens-Bucher
Bill Weber
Chapter Conveners
Conveners represent their own local Chapters, ensuring each area stays connected to the wider Illuman mission.
Warren Hebert, Convener of Conveners
Ned Abenroth and Jeffrey Batstone, Washington
John Ball, Washington DC
Scott Bollen and Chris Cameron, Wisconsin
Bill Brennan, Florida
Gary Meagher and Chester Trocha, Illinois
John Day, Oklahoma
Travis Murphy, Mark Infusino and Shane McRae, Southern CaliforniaDrew Henry, New Mexico
Richard Dougherty, Northern California
Hunter Close and Martin Lizarraga, Texas
Steve Moore, Alabama
Tony Murray and Warren Hebert, Louisiana
Jack Nobles, Ozarks
Tom Pawlak and Mike Whitman, Indiana-Michigan
Chuck Rihm, Ohio
Paul Lyons, Minnesota
George Sawin, Northeast U.S.
Al Selder, Arizona
Tim Sullivan, Colorado
Michael Wright, Oregon
Peter Zellner, Georgia
Illuman’s Operational Teams
The Chapter Development Council is a resource and connection point for local Illuman Chapters, bringing consistency through sharing wisdom and process knowledge.
Jamey Bontrager-Singer, Seth Burgess, Timmer Cashman, Mike Clawson, Dave Tillman, Matt Woollett
The Communications and Outreach Council develops and supports Illuman’s external communications, public outreach, and social media presence.
Jim Burns, Mike Clawson, Ned Abenroth, Markku Kostamo
The Curricula Council oversees the creation and/or approval of ongoing programs and courses offered by Illuman.
Ned Abenroth, Chris DeLastic, Dan Dolquist, Mark Funkhouser, Joe Gabaeff, John Lew
Blair Anderson, John French, Steve Hicken, Juan Hinojosa, Markku Kostamo, Tom Reid
The Governance Council periodically reviews and makes recommendations for improving the effectiveness of Illuman’s governance structures and policies.
Jamey Bontrager-Singer, Dan Harris, Warren Hebert, Juan Macias, David Murphree, Tom Reid, Chuck Rihm, Tim Sullivan, Bill Weber
The Leadership Service Council for Illuman en Español guides Illuman’s work with Spanish-speaking communities within the US and abroad.
Bob Juárez, Giovanni Pérez, Juan Macías, Néstor Rodriguez, Samuel Pérez
The Program Council develops and implements Illuman’s major programs and events, including our annual Awaken men’s gathering.
Ned Abenroth, Karim Aziz, John Ball, Mike Clawson, Chris Cleghorn, Mark Funkhouser, Steve Hicken, Terry Symens-Bucher
The Technology Council provides information technology strategies and implementation.
Mike Clawson, John French, Andy Gray, Brian Mueller, Tim Sullivan, Jared Adams, Markku Kostamo
The Council on Radical Belonging assists Illuman in the work of witnessing, acknowledging, and healing the trauma caused by racial injustices.
Jared Adams, Mike Anderer, Tony Deosdade, Geno Gallegos, Fred Leal, Byron McMillan, Mark Mehlos, Jeff Nichols, Terry Symens-Bucher, Jerry Yoshitomi
The Virtual Council Guiding Circle aids Illuman in the development, implementation, management, and expansion of its Virtual Council Program.
John Ball, Bill Brennan, Robert Bulanda, Michael Camerino, Steve Conroy, Michael Klinger, Dave MacQuarrie, Anthony Monticchio, Scott Wehner
The Reweaving Council looks at Illuman’s overall structure, governance, and operations to propose strategic changes for the future.
Bill Priesmeyer, Bob Bulanda, Brian Sullivan, Chris Cameron, Chuck Rihm, Daniel Harris, Dave Morrell, David Tillman, Felix Rodolfo Soria, Hector Garcia, Ian Nicholson, Jared Adams, Jeff Nichols, Joe Gabaeff, Louis Volpi III, Mark Mehlos, Matt Hardin, Mike Anderer, Mike Whitman, Orval “Jack” Nobles, Scotty Johnson, Tim Callan, Tony Villanueva
Mike Clawson is Illuman’s Director of Engagement and Outreach, overseeing all aspects of Illuman’s programs, communications, outreach efforts, and day-to-day operations. Prior to Illuman, he co-founded the New Story Festival, a transformational event for creativity, spirituality, and social change in Austin, Texas. He has a Ph.D. in Religion from Baylor University, has been an adjunct instructor of religion at several Central Texas seminaries, and was a church pastor in the Chicago suburbs. Though originally from the northwoods of Michigan, he and his two teenage daughters currently live in Austin.