Join us for a ‘FREE’ night of exploring our dreamworlds and remembering our Spiritual Guide Thomas Merton.
Dreamwork, and Lucid dreaming in particular, is a potentially powerful tool to support one’s health and well-being.
Many wisdom traditions, if not all, speak to the benefits of dreamwork to help individuals heal and grow in wholeness. Richard Rohr O.F.M. offers his thoughts here:
“Richard discusses how Carl Jung helped him to understand that dreams are a way for the unconscious to break through into our conscious life—especially when we remember them! Richard recalls having many revelatory dreams as a young man, and how Jung’s work gave him permission to trust their symbolic power.”
CAC link into the benefits of Dreamwork
Exploring dreamwork can offer one several potential benefits:
Self-discovery: Dreams often provide a window into our unconscious thoughts, emotions, and desires. Analyzing and reflecting on your dreams can lead to greater self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your inner world.
Problem-solving: Dreams can sometimes present novel solutions or insights that may not emerge during waking consciousness. Exploring your dreams can help you gain a fresh perspective on challenges or issues you’re facing.
Creativity enhancement: Many creative individuals report that their dreams have inspired artistic works, innovative ideas, or problem-solving breakthroughs. Engaging in dreamwork can help stimulate your creative process.
Emotional processing: Dreams often reflect and process our daily experiences, emotions, and concerns. Examining your dreams can help you work through unresolved feelings, process trauma, or gain clarity on emotional conflicts.
Personal growth: Dreamwork can be a tool for personal development and awakening. Exploring recurring themes, symbols, or patterns in your dreams can shed light on your subconscious drives, fears, or desires, leading to personal insights and growth.
Through a combination of a ritual, story, image and council, three Night Club Guides will offer an opening into the vast reaches of our dreamworlds. Are you ready for the Journey ?
(Note: the ritual will not be included in the recording of the event)
The offering is intended for both new and old beginners on the path.
We hope to see you on December 12th.