Deep Masculine Journey 2025

A rigorous mentoring program for Illuman men

Registration for the 2025 Session is now Closed.

The Great Mystery and the Anima Mundi (Soul of the World) will be our mentors as we journey deeper into our own initiation through the facets of wholeness in the True Self and navigate the inner protectors of the False Self that impact our relationships and our understanding of “what we do for a living.” We will give special attention to a variety of soulcraft™ practices including:

  • Self-designed ceremony

  • Courting the Muse

  • Council and mirroring

  • Core Wound work

  • Solo wanderings in the wild

  • Dream tending

  • Mentoring

  • Deep Imagery Journeys

  • Grief work

  • Storytelling

  • Healing and wholeness work

  • Shadow work

In all candor, the DMJ is a rigorous, life-altering experience. The mysterious terrain of the deep masculine, encountered primarily through courtship with the divine feminine, may be profoundly disruptive to life as you know it. The possibility of what Bill Plotkin identifies as “soul encounter” can radically change the experience and understanding of your identity and vocation. In addition, the DMJ requires a time commitment with three in-person immersions including a vision fast. Therefore, we are structuring the DMJ in a unique way: after the first intensive, you may decide this journey is not for you at this time (and you may be right!).

You will be given the opportunity not to continue with the next two intensives, with no obligation for the rest of the program fee. In other words, after the first intensive if you decide not to continue, no worries! The guides are assuming this may be the case for some of the participants.

Should you wish to continue the remainder of the fee will be required without a refund.

The DMJ Cost includes the following:

  • Bimonthly virtual councils

  • Monthly one-to-one mentoring with a trained guide

  • Two 5-day intensives and one 8-day intensive that includes a vision fast

Cost for the entire journey is $2,100 which covers the two five-day intensives and the third 8-day intensive (vision quest). Cost does not include food, travel, or necessary equipment including tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, hiking boots, etc. Meals will be bring-your-own breakfasts, snacks, and lunches. Group dinners will be prepared by participant teams. The cost of similar programs is ~$2,000 for the vision quest only, not including the first two immersions, virtual councils, and monthly mentoring.

We have a three-tier pricing structure. The cost of the program is $2,100. If you are unable at this time to meet this tier, a scholarship tier of $1,850 is available. A third tier of $2,400 is for those who would like to contribute $300 in additional scholarship funds for other participants. If you chose the $2,400 tier, all of the $300 will go to supporting scholarships.

The program fee of $700 for the first immersion is due when you are accepted into the cohort. We anticipate a waitlist and if you are unable to meet this requirement we will give your spot to the next person on the list. Should you decide to continue the program after the first immersion, the balance is due by June 1st, 2025

Limited Enrollment and Application

We will be accepting applications through November 2024 or until the program fills. We hope to finalize and notify participants if they have been accepted by January 1, 2025.

Due to the nature of the program, space is limited to fourteen participants. We will need a minimum of eight participants to confirm the program. An application is required with a non-refundable $25 deposit to Illuman. Before applying, due to the nature of the work we ask participants to familiarize themselves with the work of Bill Plotkin and the Animas Valley Institute, specifically the nature-based map of the human psyche in Wild Mind, and the phases of descent found in The Journey of Soul Initiation. We also ask that you check your schedule for the coming year and with your loved ones to make sure that if accepted into the program, you will be able to attend the three immersions.

How physically demanding is the DMJ?

The first immersion is at Aravaipa Canyon Ranch with access to the ranch house and showers. The final two immersions we will be car camping (sleeping in tents at campgrounds with access to your car and limited if any access to showers) with moderate hikes through the wilds of desert and mountain, (8500+ft in elevation in Colorado). You should be in good, reasonable shape, and able to hike up to a mile on uneven terrain with all your gear in your backpack.

The Deep Masculine Journey is open to anyone regardless of age, race or sexual orientation.

For more information on the DMJ, please feel free to contact Dan at

In-Person 2025 Session Dates:
April 28 – May 2, 2025
: Aravaipa Canyon Ranch, Arizona
July 8 – 12, 2025: Camping in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (Location TBD)
Sept 26 – Oct 3, 2025: Deep Masculine Quest, Ghost Ranch, NM

Recommended Reading List

  • Wild Mind, The Journey of Soul Initiation, Nature and the Human Soul, Soulcraft, by Bill Plotkin

  • The Universal Christ and The Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr

  • The Maiden King by Robert Bly and Marion Woodman

  • The Great Conversation by Belden Lane

  • We by Robert Johnson

  • Finding Your Wild, by Dan Dolquist

This life-changing program fee is $2100, excluding food and travel. Scholarships are available to ensure that everyone who feels called to this journey can participate.

Space is limited to 14 participants, so don’t miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary adventure.

The DMJ sounds intense. What are others saying about the DMJ who have completed the program?

“Three or four years ago I was dead inside. The darkness surrounded me. This program made me alive again and I am forever grateful.”

— John

The DMJ was highly organized from the beginning. It is apparent much thought and planning has gone into this. The description of the level of physical exertion required was on the mark.

— R

This has been the best year of my life!

— Eric

“All my life I have protected myself from such closeness to the earth . . . What a marvelous and shattering experience to drink the night sky and feel the deep sense of vulnerability it brings with it.”

— G

“Much thanks to you guides, gifted teachers and beloved friends. You put much skin into this program and took some great risks to make it happen. You befriended us and let us get close to you. Thank you so much brothers. I will forever be grateful.”

— Gil

Your Guides

  • Dan Dolquist Illuman Headshot Photo

    Dan Dolquist (Guide)

    Dan is a dreamer, Presbyterian pastor, spiritual director, and a guide with the Animas Valley Institute. Dan studied the wisdom traditions of Christianity with Fr. Richard Rohr at the Center for Action and Contemplation, and his doctoral work was in cultivating imagination. He has spent the last eleven years training with Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley Institute.  He has written two books, most recently “Finding Your Wild” through Luminare Press.  He is a Howling at the Moon cohort guide for Illuman and a member of the Curricula Council. Dan completed his Men’s Rites of Passage in 2013. 

    His website is and email is

  • John Lew Illuman Headshot Photo

    John Lew (Co-Guide)

    John is a wilderness guide who revels in the wilderness of nature and soul.  His background is wilderness spirituality and depth psychology.  He is trained in the Wild Mind work of Animas Valley Institute and as a Vision Quest guide with the School of Lost Borders, and is a Jungian Analyst in training at the CG Jung Study Center in LA.   John is a lover of the wisdom traditions, esoteric religions, mysticism, Buddhism, depth analysis, dreams / deep imagination, and the symbolic life.  His passion is conscious relationship with humans and “more-than-humans”, and living fully alive.  He did his Rites of Passage with Illuman in 2014. 


“The DMJ was highly organized from the beginning. It is apparent much thought and planning has gone into this. The description of the level of physical exertion required was on the mark.” -R